Because I'm so cool

Yesterday was Friday -- the first day I've had to do nothing in a while. I set my alarm with the intentions of getting up to spend the day at the crowded apartment pool -- but I found myself returning to bed -- because, well, sleeping is nice too. I woke up to my neighbors children knocking on my door (the neighbor I shamelessly introduced myself to by giving her cat toys for her cat, Nem). We had spent the previous evening down at the pool (Aren't you impressed -- I've been going to the pool to work out after class. The public crowded pool -- in a bathing suit. Uhuh -- be impressed). They had apparently been checking the pool to see if I was there every hour and finally gave up and knocked. Heh, sorry -- I was sleeping. The littlest one had brought me some of her school pictures (HOW, CUTE!) -- which I promptly hung on my fridge -- to her absolute delight. And they played with Jack for a good long time -- so much so that after they left, he didn't need anything to do with me -- he had just been doted on and worshiped quite thoroughly.

Their mom eventually came to retrieve them for laundry duty. They begged to stay but she wouldn't let them -- so when they lost at that battle, they begged me to come see Pixar's "Cars" with them. And I like movies -- and lord knows it's been forever since anyone thought I was awesome -- much less the coolest person ever -- so yeah, I'll go. We all had fun. Super cute movie. At first, the tow truck, Tater (Larry the Cable Guy), seems like too much -- but by the end he was, predictably, my favorite character. And notice that all the flys you see hovering around lights in the movie -- they're little VW Beetles with wings -- so cute. And one of the better parts of the movie is during the credits when Pixar spoofs other movies by replacing their characters with cars -- be sure to stay for that.

So I had a great day to end a great week :) I'm loving the neighbors kids -- is that wrong? I mean they think I am the absolute coolest person ever -- and hey -- I do have pink hair, my own place, drive a Beetle, and have an awesome cat. I've not thought of myself as "cool" in quite a while... but when you get down to it -- I kinda am. I think it's the car ;)


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