Frisbee Golf aint no joke.

Frisbee Golf
Originally uploaded by KarenAlexa.
I played my first ever game of frisbee golf today. I had to ask someone where hole one was anyway, so I just asked if he'd like company in his game -- so he let me catch up and join him. It's a good thing because without him, I'd never have known where the next hole was and I certainly wouldn't have known where the basket was.

Frisbee golf is much harder than I imagined. Apparently we have a tournament course. That means its hard... even if you don't suck. And I suck.

I was tired by the time we did all 18 holes! I had to walk home -- it was a slow walk. It'll be good exercise though. Throwing a disc and walking to that is better than just walking nowhere. I'm sure i'll get better -- I mean you can only get better, right?

I deserve a fresh fruit smoothie now...

Happy Valentines!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah it sounds a lot easyer than it is...

3:59 PM  

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