Ramblin' on about nothin'

Uh oh, it's almost midnight and I'm browsing for shared music on iTunes. This always seems to sap away hours of my life at a time. I can't resist. I love to browse peoples collections and find those old songs I used to LOVE. It's like hearing that song on the radio -- that song that takes you back and surrounds you in comfort... for like 4 hours straight.

I'm not lost yet, though. I'm not fully lost until I get out the headphones. Once that happens, I have no hope. I will be sitting here 5 hours from now barely holding my head up and telling myself I'm not sleepy. "Just let me get to the end of this list..."

Speaking of, I saw the most gorgeous man at work today. (Ok, so "speaking of" makes absolutely no sense in this particular situation, but it's a transitional phrase dammit, at least I tried). So he didn't catch my eye until he was standing in front of me when he took off his jacket. I swear my cheeks must have flushed right then and there. Yall, he had the hair, the arms, and he smelled great. I may not have known the "rule of three" for my programming test on Friday, but lord he fit MY rule of three. *swoon*

Oh and anyone looking for anything at my place of work, just go ahead and consider yourself screwed. They let me put out books today. AKA, they gave me a stack of books that weighed more than I do and had me put them 'where they go.' And don't be mistaken -- this wasn't stacks of multiple copies of books -- no, this is "here's one book for Romance, and here's a book for Business > Personal Finance over there on the other side of the store." Now, this sounds like a simple task that any monkey could do -- that's what I thought. You are mistaken. This seems to be so hard for me to do and there's really no excuse as to why it's so hard. I think a lot of it is that these books have been put out by people as crazy as I am, so when you get down to the meat of placing a book, you can't quite figure out exactly where it goes. I spent the entire day staring at a shelf and going "how the fuck are these damn things arranged." (Yes, I curse way too much -- believe it or not I probably spit out more 'fucks' in any given day than just about anyone you know.)

Oh that reminds me -- I picked up a book on how to control men the other day and decided to go through it on my break. Apparently to get and control a man you are: 1, not to wear makeup. 2, no cursing. 3, be absolutely still during sex (you might ruin his rhythm). 4, accept that he is going to cheat on you and it's good for your relationship -- don't make a big deal of it (no, seriously -- it said that). There were actually a lot of things, but that's all I can remember. I'd say that it was so obvious that this book was written by a man except for that whole "don't move during sex" thing he had going on for an entire chapter.

Now I'm just rambling, aren't I?


Blogger Karen said...

I'll match that FUCK NO and raise you one link to the book itself: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0972349502/qid=1131171874/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-2539069-8743345?v=glance&s=books

Check out the reviews:

"I've been married for almost 20 years and my husband disagrees with 95% of the book. Oh and by the way, he loves me in short skirts, make-up, lipstick, perfume and all!"

"After defining control, C. E. Cost jumps straight into the secrets of treating men inconsistently (which I read as being manipulative and playing games), instructions on how to sex your man up (even if you had to fake your own satisfaction--oh and you can't move in some positions so you don't throw off your partner's rhythm), and a few of the vanity issues revolving around a woman's appearance. While some of the things made me raise an eyebrow a time or two, most of them just made me continue to ask myself if that's what men really want."

12:39 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

I have responded to the above comment with a post of it's very own -- you can read my response @ http://silverbeetle.blogspot.com/2005/12/mmmm-we-finally-have-some-controversy.html.

6:44 PM  

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